State of HR. Let’s talk about what’s happening and what we are learning. What does the “new normal” look like?
Real talk. Changes in HR will happen. What are these shifts and how will HR show up?
Action not talk. Be ahead of the curve. How to be a leader and advocate for the people and business.

Inviting all HR professionals and members of UPHRA to jump on a coffee hour Zoom call!
We will discuss what Human Resource professionals in the Upper Peninsula are seeing, feeling, encountering and how to move forward and get back to the business of HR.
Put the COVID laws, regulations and daily demands on the back burner for one hour and invest time in you and what HR needs; self-care for the HR professional.
Grab your favorite mug of something warm, if you are still reporting to the office, settle in, if you are working from home, keep the pajamas on and get comfortable. This is an hour for HR persons to remember they are part of a dedicated and talented network AND feel supported and HEARD.
When you email for the Meeting Link, we will also have you answer these questions. On the call we will discuss what is shared as a group: trends, challenges and success stories. We hope to also have real time Q and A via the chat function.
Pre- Questions for Attendees:
1. What specific questions would you ask the group or call leader?
2. What are you seeing, hearing, feeling during this time in regards to HR and your organization?
3. What do you foresee or have as your greatest challenge?
4. What success stories or WINS do you want to share?
For meeting link, please email
If you can’t attend the meeting but would like notes and follow up sent, please email also and let us know.